Steps we are taking to protect you during COVID-19
The Y Western Australia has opened all recreation centres, pools and youth centres and following the guidelines of the Western Australia Roadmap.
Upon opening, all centres have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place, meeting, and in many cases exceeding, all government requirements in relation to COVID-19. Many of the initiatives now in place will have an impact on how you use your Y. Please review the below changes and initiatives to help ensure a positive experience.
Our response to COVID-19
- We are meticulously cleaning and sanitising all of our centres and facilities more than ever before. You will see us throughout the day santising high contact locations (doors, handles, equipment, etc). In addition, professional cleaners sanitise our facilities and have been briefed on COVID-19 specific cleaning requirements.
- You will see plenty of signage and communications reinforcing social distancing and enhanced hygiene measures. In addition to informing you of these requirements, the signage is also present to remind you of the important role you play.
- Hygiene stations are placed at entrances and throughout our facilities. Please use hand sanitiser frequently, upon entering, exiting, and throughout your time in the centre.
- We ask our customers to please abide by the government social distancing restrictions. Signage is placed noting specific occupancy limits in spaces.
- Customers showing any cold/flu-like indications (cough, fever and/or respiratory symptoms) are not permitted in the facility until these symptoms have cleared for a number of days.
- Please bring a filled water bottle from home, or purchase bottled water from our café when possible. Only use water fountains to fill up water bottles.
- We encourage all staff and customers to download the COVIDSafe app.
- All visitors attendance will be recorded including the time of entry and phone number for contact tracing purposes. Visitors include casual users, visit pass holders, members, contractors and staff.
Recreation Centres
All centres are fully open and operating under normal hours.
Group Fitness
- Whenever possible bring your own equipment (towel, mats, boxing glove inners).
- Sanitise and wipe down equipment before and after use.
- Adhere to floor markings for designated social distancing.
Pools / Aquatic Facilities
- We are continuing to abide by all safe pool operating guidelines including regular pool testing, monitored chlorination and filtering.
Facility Rentals / Leagues / Sports / Programs
Call your local centre to enquire about facility rental.
Please consult your leagues/team/association/schools for all other non-YMCA programs/bookings. User groups may resume utilisation of the Centre upon adherence to current conditions and demonstrated COVIDSafe plan.
Youth Services
CURRENT STATUS: Operating normally
YTime - Open: Monday and Tuesday 2:50pm - 5:00pm.
HQ - Gigs have resumed whilst adhering to government guidelines.